The research project, and related patented technology, has its experimental field of application in the urological field, in kidney and prostate cancer, but it can be applied in other surgical disciplines.
Creation and use of 3D-models in computer graphics of internal organs at an individual level.
Transposition of these 3D-models into a framework for their representation in an Augmented Reality application.
Real-time calculation and analysis of the organ's posture in the operative phase.
Coupling of the particular 3D-model in visual overlap with the relative organ in the operating field.
Real-time update of the 3D-model of the organ in AR in order to maintain correspondence with the posture and deformation of the real organ during the surgical procedure.
IO SURGICAL RESEARCH S.R.L. P.I. 02670440995 -
VIA GIORGIO BYRON 14 CAP 16145 - Genova / Italy